
Informatics and Computer Science, Full-Time, Bachelor, 2016

1 semester
1 CS117 Fundamentals of Computer Engineering and Programming C 5
2 EN103 Technical and Computer Documentation C 6
3 LN112 English C -
4 MA101 Mathematics I C 7
5 MA103 Discrete Mathematics C 6
2 semester
1 CS102 Web Technologies and Applications C 6
2 CS104 Programming C 7
3 EN104 Electrotechnics and Electronics C 6
4 LN112 English C 12
5 MA102 Mathematics II C 7
3 semester
1 CM313 Business Communications C 3
2 CS201 Theory of Algorithms C 6
3 CS203 Object-Оriented Programming C 6
4 EN417 Computer Design of Technological Systems C 6
5 MA201 Mathematics III C 7
4 semester
1 BA206 Economics C 6
2 CS202 Operating Systems C 6
3 CS204 Databases C 6
4 CS206 Artificial Intelligence C 5
5 CS214 Visual Programming C 4
6 CS216 Practicum on Modeling C 3
5 semester
1 CS314 Unix Operation Systems C 4
2 CS325 Analysis and Design of Databases and Knowledge C 6
3 CS412 Modern Information Systems C 4
4 EN313 Computer Architectures C 6
5 EN423 Computer Networks and Communications C 6
6 ST301 Probability and Statistics\r\n C 6
7 EN307 Digital Electronics E 4
8 EN427 Course Project in Computer Networks and Communications E 4
9 CS323 Generalized Sets O 4
6 semester
1 CS208 Computer Graphics C 6
2 CS312 Programming in Java C 6
3 CS313 Business Information Systems C 5
4 EN302 Microprocessor Technics C 7
5 EN415 Control and Diagnostics of Computer Systems E 6
6 EN424 Mobile Communication Systems and Programming E 6
7 semester
1 CS319 Information Security C 4
2 CS415 Network Programming C 6
3 CS421 Computer Systems C 6
4 CS531 Electronic Business C 4
5 CS331 Processing of Vector and Raster Images E 4
6 CS431 Design of User Interface E 4
7 EN411 Coding Theory E 6
8 semester
1 CS315 WWW Programming C 4
2 CS417 Applied Software Engineering C 6
3 CS422 Operations Research C 6
4 CS426 Multimedia Technologies C 4